What Should I Expect from My First Massage?

When you get a massage for the first time, you may experience a little nervousness as you are unsure of what to expect. Being partially unclothed for an extended period of time might be initially intimidating. However, once the massage has concluded, your first massage will be one of the most relaxing, rejuvenating experiences you’ve ever had. We at Uptown Haven Wellness Professionals are going to go over some important things to know about what to expect when you get your first massage.

What Should You Do Before Getting a Massage?

There are some things you should know and prepare for before you get your first massage. It is important to completely fill in your intake form prior to the massage starting to begin with. If there are any medical conditions or injuries that you have that the therapist needs to be aware of and what you’re looking for in terms of pressure is better understood by the therapist after reviewing your intake form. Tell them before they start so they can adjust their technique accordingly should you have any concerns about getting a specific type of massage.

What Happens During a Massage?

The therapist will instruct you to undress to your comfort level and they will specify for you to lie face down or face up on the table. Your therapist will step out of the room while they give you a few minutes to undress andto get comfortable on the table. In order to help them glide over your skin more easily, they may start by applying a light oil or lotion to your shoulders, back, neck, and legs. They will find knots and work out the tension with their hands or with elbow/kneading/rolling motions and stretching techniques if you are feeling tense in any of those areas. Be sure to tell your therapist if you are experiencing pain, extreme discomfort or if the pressure is too much or too little.

What Should You Do After a Massage?

Make sure to drink plenty of water and take it easy the first day or two since it is fairly common to have some soreness in your muscles after a massage. You should be able to fall asleep without much difficulty, it is also normal to feel sleepy. In addition to feeling relaxation immediately following a session, you should experience some relief from pain and tension. It may be an indication that you are dehydrated if you are concerned about feeling dizzy or lightheaded after your massage.

How Often Should You Get a Massage?

At least once a month, it is recommended to get a massage. Because it depends on your needs and the type of massage you get, it is difficult to say exactly how often you should go. Your therapist will recommend when they would like to see you next at the end of your session.

Uptown Haven can help make your first massage a pleasant experience and we offer a variety of massage techniques to fit your specific needs. All our therapists are highly trained professionals and offer top notch service guaranteed!

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